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Villaluenga de la Sagra plant celebrates safety achievements


World Cement,

Lafarge’s Villaluenga de la Sagra plant in Spain is celebrating five years without accidents. The achievement demonstrates the efforts made by the plant’s employees and is also a result of Lafarge’s zero accident aim, which was launched nationwide in 2013. Over the last year, some 2500 preventive observations were recorded at the plant, 200 safety inspections of installations and transportation were carried out and the site’s workers took part in a number of awareness campaigns.

A celebration was held by the plant to mark the achievement, during which employees held interactive talks and took part in a number of health and safety activities. The plant has also announced that it will be opening several programmes to the public for free, including first aid courses.

The celebration coincides with Lafarge’s Health and Safety Month, the theme of which is ‘My participation, my example: your life’.

Adapted from press release by