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Sri Lankan cement industry newsbytes


Published by
World Cement,

Singha Cement’s new facility due for completion next year

Singha Cement Pvt Limited’s new state-of-the-art cement terminal, which is set to double the company’s production capacity, is due for completion in 2015.

Colin Nelson, Managing Director of Singha Cement, told local press that the company is expanding its operations in the country in order to meet increasing demand for cement in the domestic market and provide high quality products to its customers.

Singha Cement operates a land-based terminal at Peliyagoda, Sri Lanka, which is equipped with the necessary technology to receive, store and handle both bulk and bagged cement.

Tokyo Cement takes measures to protect Sri Lankan marine life

Tokyo Cement Group has collaborated with the Wildlife Research & Conservation Trust of Sri Lanka (WRCT) to protect the coral reefs surrounding the island. Corals provide habitats and sources of nourishment for various fish species and are also essential tidal blockers that deter erosion and defend the island from tsunamis. Decades of limestone harvesting and unchecked fishing conducts (e.g. careless anchoring and illegal netting) have resulted in the damage of up to 60% of the island’s coral reefs.

As part of its efforts to protect Sri Lanka’s environment and wildlife, the company has established a ‘re-coralisation’ project in partnership with the WRCT, involving the design, construction and implementation of a unique reef rehabilitation technique called Tokyo Cement Reefballs. The reefballs are hollow, aerated blocks made of ph-neutralised concrete. Indigenous coral species are grown on the blocks in imitated water/climate conditions and then introduced into the sea. The corals planted on the reefballs grow at a pace of around 20 – 22 in. every three months.

Employees from Tokyo Cement’s ready-mix concrete batching plants recently deployed 120 reefballs in the waters of Passikudah bay. The company plans to deploy as many as 675 – 1200 reefballs along the coast of Passikudah in 2013, covering an area of around 756 – 1512 m2.

Edited from various sources by Rosalie Starling