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Allied Mineral Products appoints Dickinson as distributor


World Cement,

Allied Mineral Products Inc. (USA) has appointed Dickinson Group of Companies as their exclusive agent to market, sell and distribute their range of monolithic refractory products throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, including the Kwa-Zulu Natal South Africa.

Allied Mineral Products specialises in the design and manufacture of monolithic refractories and precast refractory shapes. The company has a strong presence in the foundry, aluminium, steel, cement, lime and mineral processing markets.

Allied has manufacturing facilities in Ohio, Texas, China, South Africa, Brazil, the Netherlands, and India, with over 45 international sales representatives located in 18 different countries.

Adapted from press release by Katie Woodward


South Africa declares emissions targets

Before the start of COP15, the South African Presidency issued a statement declaring its commitment to achieving a successful outcome in Copenhagen. It outlined the country’s emissions targets and emphasised the need for financial and technological aid for developing countries.