An online conference focusing on the latest technologies and best practices for reducing the cement industry's environmental footprint
EnviroTech 2020 is an online conference for professionals in the cement sector. Featuring presentations from industry experts, you can join this completely virtual conference from anywhere in the world, absolutely free.
A range of speakers from leading companies operating in the cement sector, covering topics such as:
On reducing emissions without affecting kiln performance
In this presentation, Cinar will present and discuss some case studies which highlight significant emission reductions. The company also discusses how the benefits of modelling-based solutions entail the minimum and only required alterations, providing large attractive Capex savings. |
MissionZero: How to plan and implement alternative fuel in cement production
FLSmidth will look at the MissionZero initiative. The company will cover how new solutions are enabling higher alternative fuel utilisation, how to implement these new solutions and how to reduce their influence on processes. |
Improving the cement industry's environmental footprint: An overview of suitable emission reduction technologies and waste heat recovery systems
Join CTP Team for their presentation on how suitable emission reduction technologies and waste heat recovery systems can improve cement industry’s environmental footprint. |
KHD's special solutions for AFR substitution and NOx abatement
The presentation depicts KHD’s latest inventions, PYROROTOR®: KHD’s solution for the utilisation of unprocessed alternative fuel and PYROREDOX®: KHD’s solution for lasting NOx abatement. Followed by a Q&A interview with KHD & World Cement. |